The C++ Programming Language | PDF下载|ePub下载
出版社: 人民邮电出版社
原作名: Cracking the coding interview:150 programming questions and solutions,fifth edition
出版年: 2013-11
页数: 372
定价: 59.00元
装帧: 平装
ISBN: 9787115332912
内容简介 · · · · · ·
C+11 has arrived: thoroughly master it, with the definitive new guide from C++ creator Bjarne Stroustrup, C++ Programming Language, Fou rth Edition! The brand-new edition of the world’s most trusted and widely read guide to C++, it has been comprehensively updated for the long-awaited C++11 standard. Extensively rewritten to present the C++11 language, standard library, and key design techniques as an integrated whole, Stroustrup thoroughly addresses changes that make C++11 feel like a whole new language, offering definitive guidance for leveraging its improvements in performance, reliability, and clarity. C++ programmers around the world recognize Bjarne Stoustrup as the go-to expert for the absolutely authoritative and exceptionally useful information they need to write outstanding C++ programs. Now, as C++11 compilers arrive and development organizations migrate to the new standard, they know exactly where to turn once more: Stoustrup’s C++ Programming Language, Fourth Edition.
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作者简介 · · · · · ·
Bjarne Stroustrup是C++的设计师和最早的实现者,也是《C++程序设计语言》、《带标注的C++参考手册》和《C++语言的设计与演化》的作者。他从丹麦Aarhus大学和英国牛津大学毕业,现在是AT&T大规模程序设计研究部的负责人,AT&T特别成员,AT&T贝尔实验室特别成员,以及ACM特别成员。Stroustrup的研究兴趣包括分布式系统、操作系统、模拟、设计和程序设计。他也是Addison·Wesley的C++In-Depth系列书籍的编辑。