
《幼师英语》邬学强 | PDF下载|ePub下载

幼师英语 版权信息

  • 出版社:机械工业出版社
  • 出版时间:2012-03-01
  • ISBN:9787111373629
  • 条形码:9787111373629 ; 978-7-111-37362-9

幼师英语 内容简介

  本教材共12个单元,包括greetings,food,family,animal,travelling,health habits,clothes,date and time,color,parts of the body,the weather,festivals。每一个单元都有短文、词汇、对话、表演、语法和练习等。本教材内容丰富,通俗易懂;形式活泼,图文并茂。  本教材可供学前教育专业师生使用,也可作为相关培训教材和自学用书。

幼师英语 目录

前言PhoneticsGreetingsGreet your friendsFollow classroom instructions FoodIdentify common foodCompare pricesFamilyIdentify your parentDescribe your relativesAnimalIdentify common animalsDescribe your favorite animalsTravellingIdentify by, in, withDescribe your favorite vehicleHealth HabitsList your menu everydayList good habits and bad habitsClothesTo learn about the clothesTalk to cour classmate about your clothesDate and TimeIdentify cardinal number and ordinal numberCompare dates with timeColorIdentify colorsPlease say something aboutcolorsParts of the BodyIdentify parts of the bodyCompare the functions of your bodyIdentify the seasonsThe weatherCompare the weather of one dayFestivalsIdentify western festivalsCompare Chinese festivals with western festivalsGlossary参考文献



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