《计算机专业英语》陈嘉等主编 | PDF下载|ePub下载
计算机专业英语 版权信息
- 出版社:机械工业出版社
- 出版时间:2010-08-01
- ISBN:9787111309758
- 条形码:9787111309758 ; 978-7-111-30975-8
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插图:It’s hard to assign a worthwhile definition to each type of computer because definitions can getbogged down in potentially confusing technical jargon. Nevertheless, the following definitions cansuffice:1 ) A supercomputer can handle gigantic amounts of scientific computation. It’s usuallymaintained in a special room or environment, and may be about 50,000 times faster than a micro-computer. As a user in business, you probably would not have contact with a supercomputer.However, you might if you worked in the areas of defense and weaponry, weather forecasting,scientific research, at one of several large universities, or for the National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration.2) A mainframe computer is a large computer, usually housed in a controlled environment,that can support the processing requirements of hundreds or thousands of users and computerprofessionals. If you go to work for an airline, a bank, a large insurance company, a largeaccounting company, a large university, or the Social Security Administration, you will likely havecontact, through your individual workstation, with a mainframe computer.3 ) A minicomputer, also known as a midsize or low-end mainframe computer, is similar to butless powerful than a mainframe computer. It can support 2 to 50 users and computer professionals.Minicomputers and mainframe computers can work much faster than microcomputers and havemuch more storage locations in main memory. Many small and medium-sized companies today useminicomputers, so if you go into the business world, you will have good chances to contact with aminicomputer.