
《实用英语-(含1CD)》王维平主编 | PDF下载|ePub下载

实用英语-(含1CD) 版权信息

  • 出版社:机械工业出版社
  • 出版时间:2010-09-01
  • ISBN:9787111315179
  • 条形码:9787111315179 ; 978-7-111-31517-9

实用英语-(含1CD) 目录

前言 unit Ⅰ appearances and character 1 unit Ⅱ family 10 unit Ⅲfood and drinks 20 unit Ⅳ house and home 32 unit Ⅴ education 44 unit Ⅵ language matters 58 unit Ⅶ weather 74 unit VⅢholidays & festⅣals 87 unit Ⅸ free-time actⅣities 102 unit X sports and exercise 114 unit Ⅺ transport and travel 126 unit Ⅻ love and marriage 138 unit xⅢmanners and culture 148 unit xⅣ health and bodycare 159 unit xv work and personality 171 unit Ⅵ communication 184 appendix irregular verbs 197 reffrence 199

实用英语-(含1CD) 节选

《实用英语》共包括16个单元,每个单元均由lead in, reading , useful words & expressions, listening & speaking , writing , grammar和supplementary reading 组成,目的是对同一个主题通过听说读写不同层面的训练,使学生的英语应用能力得到提高,为以后的专业英语学习打下基础。《实用英语》可作为高职高专院校的基础英语教材,也可作为具有一定英语基础学习者的自学教材。

实用英语-(含1CD) 相关资料

插图:There are numerous situations in day-to-day business that can warrant a thank you letter. Sometypical situations include: appreciation for special consideration extended by another organization,thanking a speaker for a presentation at a board meeting, customer appreciation letters thankingcustomers for their patronage, thanks to employees for exceptional service or performance, thanks toan individual or organization for a customer referral, appreciation to volunteer service workers fortheir personal contributions to a public service campaign, etc.As with business situations, there are many instances in day-to-day life that can warrant aformal thank you letter. Examples of typical personal thank you letter situations include: a follow-upthanks after a job interview or offer, thanks to a company or institution in appreciation forexceptional customer service received, letter to friends and/or neighbors for their support during adifficult period, letters for wedding gifts, thanks to a service club or agency for support given tofamily members, social occasion thank you letters for a wide variety of social situations, etc.



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